Strangely enough, there were many things that have been FOUND this week!
FOUND: MY PERIOD! I know you were all wondering, but yes my period is back!! Yay!! Hopefully it's here to stay!
FOUND: TAMPON. So... funny story....totally got a tampon stuck in my vagina. Yeah I'm totally posting this and mind you this blog is NOT private. I spent my Saturday night at instacare to have a doctor dig out a lost tampon....AWESOME! But not so uncommon! Who gets tampons stuck in there? I do!
FOUND: MR. MCDREAMY. Alright remember my post forever ago about the hot dark skin Wentworth? Found him. Apparently he's my friends, friend. They once dated. He was lame. I'm over him. But damn he was hot!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Posted by
12:16 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Missing: Period
I HATE the Doctor. Did I seriously just pay $60 to have someone tell me I'm NOT PREGNANT! Like I didn't know that already!!!!!!? I have missed my period now for two months in a row....yeah I'm sure any doctor would ask "well are you pregnant?" But no I'm KNOW I'm not pregnant!! That doesn't stop them from telling you you have to go pee in a cup! After she tells me the test results are negative(like I told her before) she asks me if I'm okay with not having a period? Um....Sure? I mean who really WANTS their period? So I say "yeah that's fine as long as it's okay and there is nothing wrong?" And she just says "yeah it's NOT that normal seeing as you've been pretty regular your ENTIRE LIFE OF HAVING A PERIOD" would think she would want to figure something out as to why I'm not having a period anymore? Nope! Apparently I'm just fine and I guess I'm just lucky to not have a period anymore? So that was the end of the doctor visit. I payed money to get a pregnancy test done that wasn't needed in the first place. I mean I would have gladly peed on a $8 stick and showed them the negative sign! All I really wanted was for them to figure out where my period ran off to! I mean now I kinda want it.....So if you see it around town, tell it I'm looking for it and it should just come back. Tell it I'm not mad. I miss our visits.
Posted by
11:26 AM
Friday, November 9, 2007
So apparently a few people think I might be interesting....I'm about to prove them wrong!
1. I have this blanket that I have to sleep with every night! Call me 3 but for some reason just snuggling with it helps me fall asleep! It's not a blanket from childhood, but I've had it for a few years now. It's just green, soft, and oh so snuggly! :)
2. I swear I have an itching problem or I'm just alergic to EVERYTHIING! I sometimes break out into rashes or hives and my dermatologist has no idea what it's caused from! So If you see me bright red on my neck, arms or legs that's why! I just itch all the time! Most of the time it's so bad I scratch myself till I bleed....gross I know but it just feels SO good!! So scabs on my body from itching isn't uncommon! If you catch me scratching slap my hand! Thanks!
3. I am 100% full Fillipino! Just incase you were wondering! I always get asked "what are you?" and for some reason people are shocked to find out I'm not a mix of asian and caucasian or Hawaiian or something else! I don't know why? But both my parents are straight out of the Philippines! Yes....Full Flip right here in St.George! :) Oh and maybe someone can answer this...So you know when you fill out tests and things like that, and they ask your ethnicity? Would I be Pacific islander or asian??? I just don't know.....HELP! I don't even know my own identity! :(
4. I eat something sweet EVERYDAY!! I don't know if it's just in my head, but I swear I eat something sugary everyday!! Hot tamales, M&M's, Chocolate covered raisins, you name it I eat long as it has sugar! I think it's cause my roommate buys this junk(of course she doesn't eat it!) and puts it in front of my face and I have no will power not to eat it! Even when I don't want it! Lately I've been addicted to Fruit rollups and Fruit by the Foot because it's left over from the Halloween candy! I have a serious addiction!
5. I could take a nap everyday of the week! I can never get enough sleep for some reason! I hear that some people can function on little sleep, and some people just need 8 hours + a night, and I think I may be one of those people! But...I can never fall asleep earlier than 12:30! Wah! So any chance I get to nap, I take it!! I usually only have time for naps on Saturday and Sundays and they are usually 2 hours long!! Call me lazy, I don't care!
6. I still dance every week! Yes I will be well into my 40's by the time I stop! At least I hope....It's just so fun, and I feel like it keeps me from getting older! I take an adult hip hop class at a new studio called Premier Dance Center(across the street from Desert Palms) and it's taught by my friend Tia who is amazing! Oh...and last night I went to this new class at Golds called "Hypnotic" It's really supposed to be a Strip tease aerobics class, but Tia teaches it, and didn't want her parents to be mad, so hence the name change! Haha! It is such a good time! It's every Thursday night at 9:00, so it's late enough that not a lot of people are there, and PLUS she turns out the lights so people can't see you very well while your tossing your hair around and popping your bootay! So fun!! Come try and be sexy with me sometime! We might even be crawling on the floor next week, you never know! :)
7. Oh yeah #7 fact is....I'm not that interesting! But you asked!
Posted by
10:01 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
My little sister....
So like I mentioned before, I have volunteered to be a "Big Sister" for the Big Brother Big Sister organization! About 3 weeks ago they finally matched me up with my "little sister" This is Keli! I honestly get excited to hang out with her! Your required to hang out at least 2 times a month minimum, but I like hanging out every week!! It's like being a kid all over again! We've already done fun things like getting ice cream at Blue Bunny, laser tag(I forgot how fun that is!) miniture golfing, and playing arcade games! I get to do all the fun stuff that nobody likes to do anymore and not feel lame about it!! Next week we're going to the corn maze! Keli is actually a really cool chick! She's 10 and in 5th grade so she's into things like High School Musical and has a major crush on Zach Efron Haha! (but what girl doesn't these days?) She's the oldest of 3 kids, she has a 5 year old brother and 3 year old sister, and seems to have a lot of responsibility helping her mom take care of them. So her mom thought it would be a good idea to have her be able to be apart of the organization to do "kid" things or have a big sister of her own! We already have so many fun things we want to do together! She really wants to go to Cafe Rio! The girl has never been there! Crazy I know! So that's something she wants to do! She's also into EVERYTHING possible which is really cool cause there are some fun things that I would like to do too! She wants to learn to Sew....i'm sure there are classes in town, but if anyone knows of any let me know cause I have NO ClUE how to sew but it could be fun to learn! Anyway I'm sure I'll get to post more fun adventures as the year goes by! But just wanted to introduce you all!
Posted by
10:17 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Halloween Party!
So Friday there was a Halloween party out at the Stahlei Barn...Yeah I totally went! It was actually for older people! No High Schoolers or anything I swear! It was pretty fun!! There was actually quite a few people we all know! Not saying any names just incase they are embarrased or something! As you can tell I made a killer Pocahontas! haha! Let me tell you how hard it is to find a costume that actually covers your private areas!! This one I bought is actually for kids! Ha! Go figure! Of course there was the usual "skank" girls in mini teeny weeny skirts/lingere but I guess that's expected right? At least they pulled it off well even though their stuff was hanging all over the place! Real classy! I know the pictures all look pretty much the same but owell! Happy Pre-Halloween!
Posted by
9:56 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I'M IN LOVE! And I need help finding Mr. Beautiful! Okay so today I went to the chamber of commerce luncheon(business lunch) and in the back row I spotted Hottie Mchotterson!!! I could not stop staring!! We shared quite a few glances(probably cause he was wonder why in the hell I kept on looking at him!) He was there with some girl that could have been his girlfriend, but I don't think so? She didn't quite measure up to his beauty at all, if you know what I'm saying! I'm not sure of his age he could be as young as 20 and I don't even care cause he was that good looking! Anway he might have been a college kid just stopping by the luncheon, seeing as it was on college campus, and he wasn't dressed up all business like....but I need help finding him! I've posted a picture of the Lovely Wentworth Miller from Prison Break because that is sorta what he reminded me of, except he was dark skinned!! Even better!! So imagine a mexican mixed you understand my obsession! Here is his discription:
Height: 6'0
Build: Athletic
Hair: Dark brown and shaved(like the picture above)
Ethnicity: ?? But dark skinned and HOT!
Person to find him gets the award of being my maid of honor at our wedding!! :) So if any of you happen to see this guy around the town....give him my number! I know you would like to keep him for yourself but....your all married!! Neener neener!! he's mine! Thanks for your help! hahahahah I'm pathetic! :)
Posted by
1:20 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
So If you all didn't know, there is another boutique that just opened called Queens & Jacks and it's right next to Golden Spoon!! Of course I went in there to do some investigative work and I'm so UPSET!!! They had quite a few brands that we are carrying! How annoying!! They had quite a bit of Free People, and also Kensie girl, and affliction t-shirts for guys! All of which we are going to carry! BOO! They also said they plan on carrying some Juicy, and True Religion jeans!! Uggh! However...there store isn't that exciting! Very boring and Blah! But the owner was super nice! which made me feel bad cause I was trying to be all nice to her just to get information! :( I'm so mean!! Not to toot my own horn, but I just think ours will have a lot more variety of brands and clothing and a whole different feel to it! Maybe I'm just trying to talk ourselves up to make me feel better? Anway...just thought I would vent! If you guys walk in there sometime, let me know what you think about it!
Oh and FYI we are STILL waiting on our financing! Hopefully we should have something by the end of the week! Cross your fingers! I'm so tired of waiting.....
Posted by
11:53 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Single in St.George
So I don't even know what I'm complaining about right now....cause I honestly don't even care to go out on dates nor do I care to meet "Mr.Right" at the moment, but can I tell you all how LAME it is to be single in St.George?? Why?? because this town is saturated with guys 18-21 years old attending Dixie College! And anyone over that age rage, I've already dated at some point in my life, went to high school with them, one of my friends has already dated them, I used to date one of their friends, they are socially retarded, or they are married, and I'm not about to wreck any homes! UuUgGhhh! The other night my friend wanted to hook me up on a blind date...come to find out...he's 20!! WHAT!? No thanks! I ended up not going! I figure I'm either gonna have to rob the craddle or date a 30+ guy who is divorced with kids! Hhhmm....what would you choose? OR there is always the meat market at the gym! But who wants to find guys at the gym? I think I have a permanent sticker on my forehead that says "F off" cause NOBODY talks to me at the gym! Which is probably a good thing cause I would just be annoyed if anyone tried hitting on me at the gym anyway....right? Maybe that's just a good excuse for my lameness! No this is NOT a desperate cry for help! Really I've been dating a guy who I now think totally hates my guts for not wanting a serious relationship! But that's a whole other blog which I would totally divulge all sorts of juicy info if I wasn't so lazy to put my blog on private!! Anyway....I'm sure there are some fabuous guys out there but it seems you're all married to them! haha! but truthfully....all I really want is to find MR. WRONG! I really dont want the man of my dreams right now! Sad really....but it's the truth! I just want to find a fun guy to date(or mulitple guys, over the age of 23) that I know I don't want anything serious with! Hahaha! Is that so much to ask for in this town!!? Apparently I've answered my own question!! Oh the joys of being single in St.George!!
Posted by
11:18 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
So I know a few potsts ago I said I was assisting the cheerleaders this year, well....I'm sure some of you knowDonelle(the head coach) her son got hit by a car about a month or so ago, so she left to salt lake to take care of him! He is doing better by the way! He is back at home here in now and doing well! He's working with physical therapists and speech therapists. So hopefully he is well on his way to full recovery! So while she was gone I was coaching and everything, helping her out. And to make a long story short, I got a call from someone from the athletic department saying that i can't be helping them out anymore? Yeah....I can't exactly say what I think happend cause for those blog stalking, I might cause some problems! Anyway....the story I hear is that they just needed someone employed by the school to be coaching, which totally make sense. So the main point I wanted to make is this: I am not responsible if the cheerleaders look awful this year!! I know some of you go to the games, and I DO NOT want my name attatched to them if they happen to look bad! Haha! I'm sure they will be just fine without me, and I guess now I can listen to peoples comments about them and not feel resonsible!
Posted by
12:28 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Suggestions? Ideas?
So I just want to hear what sort of ideas you guys have with the boutique! Like what sort of brands you might want to see there for both guys and girls! I'm sure most of you shop for you husbands right? Also what sort of price ranges you think will do well, what you yourself would even go buy, purses? shoes? ANYTHING! I know there are some that would totally drop $200 + dollars on a pair of fabulous jeans, and then some of us find it totally ridiculous! Anyway other ideas or suggestions would be great seeing as you will all be shopping there RIGHT!!? Haha! So far I've got a good mix of high end things as well as some cheaper super cute clothes too! But I still wanna hear ideas from my future customers!! :) Thanks guys!
Posted by
8:57 AM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Weekend O Fun!
I'm back and finally posting about my last weekend in Vegas! What a HOOT!! Me, my sister and her friend Sosa started it off by going to the Beyonce concert which I must say she is Fabulous live!! Robin Thicke opened up for her and he sounds even better than on the radio! Plus he's so dreamy!! After the concert we decided to go to club Rain at the Palms! Haha!! Now that was fun!! We also went to Moon and playboy for a bit! Good Times! As you can see my picture of me dancing with some random dude! Thanks Joanna for snapping that shot! :) The next day it was off to Mandalay Bay which was pretty relaxing cause all we did was lay out by the pool even though it was sorta overcast! It was still nice! Finally Monday and Tuesday we went to the Tradeshow! Lots of fun! Picked out some super cute clothes!! YAY!! My friend Jenny came on Sunday and then left us on Tuesday Morning, so thank goodness my sister was there to help me shop! It gets a little overwhelming after a while! The best part of all is that we got to meet LL Cool J! Yes!! the Ladies Love himself! Very HOT! Don't mind the picture...we look like heads growng out his armpits! Anyway...that quickly sums up my fantastic trip to Vegas!
Posted by
10:23 AM
Friday, August 24, 2007
So here it is! Our Logo! Hate it or Love it, it doesn't matter anymore cause this is it! This sorta fits the feel of our store A LOT better than the first! I'm fairly happy with it! And i'm sure we can mess around with it a little latter if we wanted to, but our graphic design bills just keeps on gettin up there! The background on the cards and sinage will be all black...just so you get an idea! Do you like the two J's in there? Jocelyn and Jenny! haha! We are such tards! So Let me know what you think! And don't be scared to hurt my feelings cause feedback and criticism are alwas good! Anyway, We are attending another tradeshow this coming Monday in Vegas! It's probably one of the biggest shows in the fashion market so it should be pretty exciting! Plus my sister is coming along too! Yay!! Hopefully I'll get to do a little celeb hunting! Maybe I'll even run into Nelly and ask him If I could be a spokeswoman for his Apple bottom jeans!? YES!! Anway....I just wanted to close with this....I'M GOING TO THE BEYONCE CONCERT!! Neener Neener neener! Yes me and my sister are going to the concert on Saturday Night and then also the tradeshow Monday and Tuesday! So when I get back I'll have some good posts I'm sure! Don't Hate! Haha!
Posted by
1:12 PM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
I'm still alive!
Alright alright...So I've been slacking on the blogging lately BIG TIME! But this time it's not even my lack of life that has pulled me away! I've actually been kept pretty busy lately! So I just thought I would update you all(not that you really care) on what has been going on in the crazy life of me!
1. I just recently moved out of my little 1 bedroom apartment, and moved in with some friends! I'm sure you might know them...Bevin Frei and Latisha demille! What a good time! We live out in santa clara in Bevins parents house! No her parents dont live there....They are on a mission for another 2 years! So we have a large home for 4 girls! It totally helps that Bevin is a health FREAK!! Yeah our fridge is full of fruit, vegetables, spray butter, and organic this and that! Not that I didn't try to eat healthy, it just helps to have other roomates that are just as lame as I am!
2.Yes I am officially the assistant coach of the Dixie College cheerleaders this year! I'm not sure yet if this is a good or bad thing for them? I just got back from camp on Tuesday! and We have a MAJOR lack of male cheerleaders! Like I have MAYBE 2? Which is NO GOOD in college cheerleading! I'm thinking about going to the gym to try and schmooze some guys with big muscles and convince them that holding a megaphone at football games is SO masculine! What do you think? So I'm left with 8 girls that I hope I can morph into fabulous dancers in a matter of a few weeks! Not that they aren't talented! It's just a matter of making them even more fabulous! and cram about 10 dances in their head in these few weeks before our first game which is September 1st!! So come out and watch and give me some harsh criticisim! Or any ideas! I would love that!
3.I have volunteered myself to become a big sister for the big brother big sisters program! yeah...WHAT??!!! I must be crazy! that's my only explanation! Okay really I thought I had a lot of time on my hands and felt like I needed to do something good! And felt like volunteering somewhere! So that's what I chose! Pray I don't turn this little girl into a cocaine addict/stripper! Hopefully I'll find myself a cool little buddy that can benifit from my crazyness and I know I'll get a lot out of it too! I'm not telling you this to toot my own horn, just letting you know how crazy my life is about to get! I'll let you know as soon as I get my "little sister"
4. I am a dancer at the roadrunner baseball games......Are you done laughing? Yeah.....So long story short, My friend misty is opening up a dance studio here in dance center) and she thought it would be a great idea to have dancers at these baseball games to help promote her own studio and give the crowd a laughing entertainment! So I agreed to help a friend out and help promote for her by dancing! So yes there is a group of about 10 girls that dance at EVERY game!! Now I know most of you have gone to a baseball game before, but if you forgot how long they are, let me remind you....4 hours!! Well at least these games are because if you didn't know, the roadrunner baseball team, well....they aren't the best! Although I must give them credit cause they have been winning at lot more lately! Anyway...they used to make us come at 6:00 to practice and then stay until the game started at 7:00 to the end which was till about 11:00!!! yes 5 hours!! 5 long hot hours! Not just one day of the week but about 2 days! back to back! Not to mention 2 hour long and REALLY HARD practices twice a week! It becomes tiring!!! Oh and NO I dont get paid!!! This is now only out of the kindness of my soul to keep doing this!! It is beating my body and mind up!! I have to keep telling myself only 2 more weeks! I can do it right??
5. Boutique is still coming along!! We have been working on our business plan which I must say is a pain in my butt!! A lot of revising!! But we have to make it look perfect before we take it into banks to finance us! Cause you is a big deal!! We are actually going to another tradeshow in Vegas at the end of the month! So Exciting!! So I haven't givin up on it! Just takin a while! But we are still shooting for end of october/november for opening! Get excited!
And THIS is why I don't have a boyfriend! I just wouldn't want to put him through the torture of NEVER seeing me! Hahah....okay that's a lie! I'm just pathetic that's why i don't have one! Anyway I just wanted to update my life! If not for you, for me! That way I can look back and think how crazy I was for dancing at a baseball game! haha! this should hold you guys over for a while so I can think of something cooler to post about!
Posted by
12:05 PM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Twilight Lovers...
So pretty much EVERYONE that has read twilight is going to maybe hate me!?? I got the book on saturday and am almost finished! But I've been reading it, and I can't say that I am absolutely in love with it! It is a good book, and it's held my attention very well, and yes it is one of those books you want to keep reading! But....maybe it's cause everyone has said how AMAZING this book is, that it's just well....not!? maybe I expected way to much cause I heard how great it was?? It's definetly one I would recommend but I'm not sure I'm pooping my pants over it? Yes I too have fallen in love with edward! I will give you that! I really don't think any man will ever compare to his beauty! Or at least the beauty I have in my head! Hhhhmmm.....Maybe I just should have stoped listening to everyones manic comments on the book and maybe i would be raving about it?? Maybe I was just so excited to read and expected WAY to much and had a bit of a let down? I know you all hate me now.....Bottom line is that it is a really good book, and I'm sure it will be even better once i finish it! Hey I even guarantee I'll go out and buy the sequel! But Maybe I just expected a little much of of it from all the raving reviews, and am finally reading it and expected more??? Either way I'm still glad I'm reading it! And I would definetly consider myself a Twilight/Edward Lover! But if you haven't read it yet maybe you should just dive into it not expecting much and you'll like it even better! My review.... I give it a thumbs up!
Posted by
3:18 PM
Monday, July 9, 2007
So I guess I'm blogging about something that NONE of you guys can relate to anymore! Which makes it sorta fun! I don't know exactly where this post is going, but I just had some random thoughts on being single! I swear for so long I've had a boyfriend! Like 4 years to be exact! Yup that's me, One boyfriend to the next! I think this has been the longest streak I've had being single, 7 months and counting! Yes you can applaud please! It's actually been so fun!!! I enjoy "ME" time So much that I don't know if I will ever want to get married! Okay not really.... but I think I've realized how cool it is to REALLY get to know yourself, and how much these 7 months have been such a growing period in my life! I've obviously have had to make some new "single" friends, which I am so excited about! We have girls night every Thursday, and it's so nice to have just girls that you can sit and talk with about your latest date, hookup, breakup, etc! Yeah I know it sounds like high school! But I don't think that those sort of friendships should ever stop once your in a relationship or married right?? I think it's a saving grace to have good girlfriends around to keep you sane! But I also think this is something that a lot of people automatically cut out of their lives once they find themselves in a relationship! Yes....I too was guilty! Why is it that as soon as someone gets married, we automatically think they don't need friends or are cut of of the social scene? Or why after people get married do they ONLY hang out with couples and not have friends of their own? Oh and why is it that the guys will always still make time for their single and married guy friends once they are married, but the girls do not?? Maybe ALL of you married people can shed some light on this theory! Yes I'm rambling! HHhhmm.....I also think I might enjoy being single so much, that I have realized I've developed what I would like to call "Commitment Phobia" So yes once again I had been dating this guy on and off for about 6 months, and most people would think after 6 months he would probably be my "boyfriend" but no....not me! As soon as that conversation came around I ran!! As perfect as he was....Who does that? And of course he wouldn't want to stick around, cause really, how long can you "Just be dating"? Makes sense really! But what's wrong with me? It's not the fact that I wanted to date other guys, cause I really didn't care! Nor was it the fact that he just wasn't good enough....cause really he's a catch and I liked him a lot!! This just might be one of those things that you kick yourself in the shin for, after you realized what you just did!! I guess It was just the fact of saying "I have a boyfriend" that creeped me out! Why is this? Is this just a phase? HELP! What if I stay like this forever and keep turning down guy after guy as soon as it gets serious!? I might have to buy a bunch of cats, learn how to knit, and wear moomoos all day long! Nobody wants to be the cat lady!!! and nobody wants to date her either! Oh....and why am I the only single person? I like to say it's cause I'm smart...haha! But really? Why didn't I run to get hitched? And all my friends are married!! Not that I'm wishing I had, cause I love my life, but just a thought! Random post I know, but I just had some weird thoughts today!
Posted by
11:44 AM
Friday, July 6, 2007
Well Thank goodness for getting tagged cause I was fresh out of posts!! But here goes!
Jobs I have had:
-Van Heusen
-Universal Cheerleaders association(instructor)
-Cheer Utah(Owner/coach)
-Stephen Wade Auto Center(receptionist/Titles)
-Flagship Financial(Currently-Mortgages)
Places I have lived:
-Chandler, AZ
-St.George, UT
-I need to get out it seems!
Places I have vacationed:
-Las Vegas
Places I would love to Visit:
-All of Europe
-New York
Things I enjoy:
-Eating tasty food
-Girls nights
-Reading gossip magazines
-Working out
-The Beach
Everyday things I love:
-Bed time
-Getting off work
-My bed
-The gym
So I'm pretty sure everyone has been tagged I feel? But I will tag....My sister!!!
Posted by
9:37 AM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Pop Lock and Drop it!
Holler! Yeah...I go to hip hop once a week so I think that entitles me to use words like that! Right? Not to mention I'm brown! So Boo YA(yeah another slang!) Okay So I'm letting all you st.georgians know that every Wednesday at 6:30 at golds gym there is a hip hop class taught by my friends Tia and Irene! They are amazing dancers, and the class is seriously a hoot!!! It's not totally advanced, so anyone can do it! You just have to be a little gangsta sometimes! Not that I have room to talk cause here I am eating an all natural Larabar as I type, and I just said the word "Hoot" in this paragraph! Word! So...Lindsey, Rachel, Tara.....And anyone else reading this, I know you have been dying to shake your tailfeathers with me on wednseday nights! It's so much fun and a good workout too believe it or not! Seriously come join the fun!!!
Posted by
9:47 AM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I love Ice Cream!
Why am I obsessed with food? You would think I would weigh 200 pounds by now seeing as all I blog about is my latest food obsession! But I just had to tell you all that ben and jerrys just came out with a new flavor called Cinnammon Buns!!! It is SO GOOD!!!! I was strolling down the isle at Harmons, and I saw it....and I actually passed it up and decided to not get it! The next day that's all I could think about, so I gave in!! And it was So worth it the calories!!! I suggest you head to your local grocer and pick up a pint! Maybe share it with someone so you dont feel so guilty! :) Enjoy!
Posted by
11:53 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
I'm all shopped out!
So I'm back from my shopping extravaganza in LA!! To sum it all up: I'm overwhelmed, excited, shopped out, my feet are killing me, and I can't bear to look at another metrosexual/gay man who has on tighter pants then I do! So here are some pics of a few things we picked out....some of the things we aren't really sure we are getting! For example the hats...they are pretty pricey, and they want us to buy a bundle of them in order to carry them! And also those guys t-shirts! I don't love them.... The cutest things we got, I dont have on my camera! BOO! But we tried to get a variety of things from different tates, to different price ranges, although it seems like a lot of the thing we picked out seem to be a little bit on the higher end! YIKES! For instance....Ed Hardy t's for little kids! Super cute + Super expensive! And also the yellow top and dress we LOVED! But again pretty pricey! But we figure there are people out there who would buy it, or else they wouldnt sell right?? Dont fret though! We are looking for lines that are in the mid price range also! And the purses you see aren't that badly priced either! they range from like $65-$200 and we also got some other ones that aren't pictured that are SUPER cute!!! And those are like $400 + but I'm sure that's thet most expensive thing we will carry! Let me explain the pictures of the guys....The black man(meant in no bad way) is supposedly an up and coming rapper named BT he is signed with Motown records and suppposed to be big(dont they all say that?) But we did listen to his CD and it's actually really good! It could be big lie, but they seemed to make a big deal of him when he came in! The jacket he is wearing we actually ordered, and it doesn't look as cool in the pic, but I am telling you it is HOT!! One of my most favorite things we got for the guys! The other guy's name is Sterling Williams, he is actually the designer for that jacket! He is shooting a reality TV show right now about his new clothing line(sterling williams) and it's supposed to be on E entertainment if it gets bought that look for me in the background! Haha! So my first shopping trip wasn't all that bad, and I'm geared up and ready to go to the next one in vegas in August! Wahoo!
Posted by
11:30 AM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Shop till you drop!
So tomorrow I am going to LA!!! Yahoo! I am going with my business partner Jenny, and we are going to experience our first tradeshow for our boutique!! This is pretty much the marketplace where all the vendors and distributors of differen't clothing labels get together to sell and market all their product to people like me! So we are super excited! We won't actually be buying anything right then and there since our financing isn't in place quite yet. But we will just be meeting with new representatives and getting familiar with the whole scene, as well as finding lines we want to carry so we can buy from them as soon as we are ready! Since it's June, they will all be marketing the new fall lines! So i guess I'll get the "fashion forward" I'm so pumped! Things with the store are moving really quickly! We actually just got some "temporary" business cards done! We changed the logo entirely(thanks to all of your honest opinions) it's not finished yet (hence the temporary cards) but we HAD to get business cards made in order to get into the show! I have been trying really hard to upload it to show you all to see what you thought so far, but no luck! I guess the format isn't compatable with blogger :( But once the final one is done I will let you all know! Not that you reallly care...... Anyway, I just didn't have anything else to blog about lately, so I thought I would update you on my boutique, which was all from lindseys inspiring words to do so!
Posted by
8:04 PM
Thursday, May 31, 2007
So for the past month or so I have been battling INSOMNIA!! What is wrong with me!??? I used to be one of those people who lay in bed and fall asleep in a second! easy breeze to dream land is over! I will lay in bed and be so so tired but yet cannot seem to shut my brain off and sleep!!! I know your thinking "Well why don't you blog the wee hours of the night away?" Well I just moved out all by myself(that will be my next blog as soon as I can get pics up) and I dont have a computer there! Or else you would all be hearing my complaints at 1:30 in the AM about how I can't sleep!! So during the day I'm drained! Which would make you think I would fall right to sleep the following night.....WRONG!! Another sleepless night! I even tried a sleeping pill once, and that was bad news cause my head felt like a freakin brick and still NO SLEEP :(
HELP! It's mid day and I'm starting to get cranky cause I'm sleepy! I know I know I'm like a three year old! But I need some serious direction!
Posted by
1:23 PM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Hawaii Pics
So obviously my pictures weren't working! But here you go! Yeah I know....I've got nothing! told you not to get excited! But this is all I have as a lovely reminder of my trip to Hawaii! *sigh*
Posted by
9:10 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I'm back....from Hawaii!
Alright so I snuck out of the blog world without a mere notification of my absence!! But it seems I didn't miss out on much since everyone has been slacking it seems!! Looks like summer is in the air!! Okay so before you all get disgusted by my lame pictures, let me just tell you.....My camera broke!!! Yes....while i was on vacation in paradise thinking I was gonna take all these cool pictures of our ventures, my camera breaks our 2nd day into our vacation!! Talk about a damper on the rest of the week! So there you go! As far as you can see, all we did was go to the Temple(beautiful by the way) look at the beach, and take some pictures of some cool trees, oh and the one with the cool shrubs in the background....real cool! I swear we did more! But nope can't share pictures of it! I guess the memories will only live on in my head! Haha! Okay so I'm also thinking your all wondering "Is that Jake in those pictures?? I thought they weren't together?" Yes folks that's jake! Nope NOT together still.....yeah yeah judge me if you want :) It was sort of a last minute idea we had for memorial day weekend! We literally booked tickets a week before! I had to really think if I wanted to go or not, but who wouldn't want to go to Hawaii with one of your best buddies?? Common.....Lets be honest! since I can't show you pictures of my great memorial day vacation let me tell you a little(or a lot) about my trip! We went to Oahu! I'm not sure how many of you have actually gone to Hawaii, but I was picturing somewhat of a jungle, waterfalls, beautiful clear beaches, modern towns(it is the united states you know!) but no....not really much of that! We stayed on the North shore. Jake's friend has a condo there that he let us stay in for free! But let me tell you, the north shore is sorta Ghetto.....I"m not sure if Hawaii just doesn't have any codes for living in homes, but if they did, I'm pretty sure most everyone would have to be evacuated!! Most of the houses looked like little shacks on the side of the road, or better yet, right by the beach! And....these homes are worth 700,000 +! I guess it is all about location!! The little town we stayed in on the North Shore, really felt like I was in another country! Not much modern anything!! Although they did have a Mcdonalds and a pizza hut! But, they do have the BEST shaved ice ever!! Ice cream on bottom with these sweet beans, sounds gross I know, but I'm Asian, I'm used to things like that! I grew up on the stuff! If you ever go, you must get a shaved ice!! So the north shore is known for it's surfing cause of it's huge waves, but apparently those only come in the winter time! So me and Jake go out to some of these beautiful beaches wanting to go boogie boarding, thinking the waves aren't bad at all and totally safe! WRONG!! You know those signs on the beach that say "Caution strong currents" yeah well we ignored those thinking we should just be careful....well I couldn't even get past the shore line the waves kept knocking me down!!! I look out there, and I see Jake....trying to get himself back to shore! It takes him a few minutes, and he comes back to shore, and I swear I thought I was going to see a grown man cry!! Hahaha! He says it was the worst experience ever, and he thought his legs might burst cause he was trying so hard to get back but the current kept sweeping him back in! I love the beach, but if you have ever got sucked in a current you just can't get out of....It's like a near death experience! So really, those signs should say "Caution you might DIE if you don't know what your doing" just a little FYI if you ever think you can beat the current, cause you can't! Anyway....We also spent the day in Waikiki! total tourist attraction, and the WORST beach ever! There are so many pretty beaches on the island, and I can't understand why this beach is the most crowded! There were rocks everywhere!! No trying to get in the water was a nightmare cause you put your foot down, and there is sharp coral everywhere!! I don't recommend it. Plus there was this gay least I think it was! Tons of guys huddled around in nothing but speedos checking out jake as he walked by! Hahaha!! So all in all, my trip to Hawaii was great! Hanging out on the beach all day long relaxing, eating whatever you want, whenever you want, is my idea of a vacation!! Although I feel like I've gained 10 pounds! But hey who cares!!? I am now officially a different race....I look black! It was my first time seeing sun all summer long! No burns for me though! Another perk to being Asian! Alright so I'm sure I've bored you all, but this will give you something to read when your bored!!
Posted by
11:35 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
Alright alright! I know some of you have been DYING to know when our 5 year reunion was going to take place! Well worry no more! We have decided on AUGUST 25TH to be the day!! That gives you all plenty of time to get pretty and in shape to see that ole high school flame you've been wanting to run into since graduation! Hahah! Kidding...your all married!! But hey maybe I'll make a love connection with some guy that we never knew existed in high school?? What about that? Anyway....back to reality! If you guys could give me your addresses, or get addresses from anyone that I probably won't know how to get a hold of, that would be marvelous! You can e-mail them to me so just incase some crazies are blogstalking, they can't send you crazy things to your home! Also, if any of you class of 2001(or older) or anyone! Has any ideas as to what you guys did for yours, please let me know! YOU ALL BETTER BE THERE! Yes camie that includes you! Get excited! I know I am!!
Posted by
12:14 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Another obsession....of course it's food!
If you're here in, and you've passed by The orange peel( it's by TJMaxx...of course I'm there all the time) and ever wondered what in the world "Bubble tea" is....well let me tell you folks! I call it deliciousness in a plasic cup! Okay so I guess this is only going to be for those that live here in, or those that come visit! But yes I have found yet another food obsession....The orange peel!!! It sells "bubble tea" Yeah I had no idea what bubble tea is, but apparently its like a sort of smoothie that originated in Taiwan(I did my homework) and its SO delish!! It does not taste like tea at all! They have tons of different flavors and it comes with these little tapioca gelly pearls at the bottom! I know I know, tapioca gelly pearls do not sound appetizing! But It's so great! I suggest you all go try one out! I'm now hooked on golden spoon and the orange peel.....Maybe my fat picture won't be so fake anymore!!
Posted by
3:41 PM
Monday, May 14, 2007
Me fat!!?
So I thought this was hillarious! My friend Rodney(Yes the same rodney that gave me the boot!) decided to photoshop me and turn me into a fat person!! Isn't it great!!? I laughed forever! This is now my motivation to NEVER get fat! Anyway....I just thought it was funny enough to share with you all the fat version of me! Enjoy!
Posted by
9:54 AM
Friday, May 11, 2007
Boutique Design HELP!
Okay So here is the NON finished product! I just got this back from our graphic designer today so I was super pumped!! He did a great job! We do still want some minor changes though....Our store is going to be a little bit more on the edgier/gothic side if that makes any sense (The clothing will not be gothic just so you know)! So this is the basic idea, but we are gonna have him "Edge" it up a bit! The colors are going to be different, althought I LOVE what he did with it, it just doesn't quite fit our idea of the whole store! Anyway...I just wanted your feedback on what you think so far!! BE HONEST!!
Posted by
1:46 PM
Monday, May 7, 2007
Viva Las Vegas!
So it was girls night in vegas on friday! Wahoo! We went to club Tao....I know your thinking "Who goes to clubs anymore?" well I apparently do!! But let me just say it was NOT so happenin at the club! Everywhere I went I saw boobs and butt! I totally felt overdressed! Plus, sweaty nasty guys grabbing your arm...NOT cool! Maybe it was the techno music that wasn't that cool, Maybe it was again the nasty guys, or probably just our attitudes, but the club was not that fun....So we left, and went back to our hotel and just had a good ole girls night of chit chat! We tried laying out the next day, but it was freezing!! Our weekend out was not the best, but it was needed! Next time all I want is a nice bed, good food, and some sun and I'm happy! I think my clubbin days are over!
Posted by
10:01 AM
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Period help!
I'm wondering if any of you guys know any good Gynecologists here in! I'm having some issues with my period! As in I'm not having it!!! What is wrong down there? I'm usually always regular! In the month of February, I totally skipped it, had it normally in march, and then had it again a week later! This month it has failed to show up....and NO i am NOT pregnant!! I'm positive of that! :) I'm eating normally, not totally stressed out....what could it be!? Anyway, my vagina is in need of some attention...MEDICAL attention that is!!! I know you all didn't want to know about my womanly problems, but maybe you guys can help diagnose me! Or at the least, just tell me who a good doctor would be!
Posted by
12:15 PM
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I got dumped...
Hahah! Seriously guys no joke.... Who gets "dumped" these days? Is there something wrong with me? So this guy I was supposedly dating(I didnt know I really was) totally gave me the boot last night!! I guess he had his for instance, me seeing my ex boyfriend on occasion! :) (Okay maybe just one reason) But common, if your just dating, not seriously at all, isn't that sort of behavior somewhat acceptable?? Unless of course It was a serious relationship and he was my "boyfriend" which he was not! I'm baffled...truly baffled! I actally really liked him a lot! :( *sigh* So...the moral of my post is that all of you should be extremely excited your married and out of the dating circuit! It's not so much fun right now! And also if you have any HOT babes to hook me up with i'm totally down! :)
Posted by
12:18 PM
Friday, April 27, 2007
Attention Bloggers!
So I noticed last week, that brianna, lindsey,kailee, and maybe emily all had a little blog party on friday night! I'm just letting you all know that if your reading this on Friday night, you need to GET A LIFE! Hahaha! I'm totally kidding...I dont have one either! Oh wait...Yes I do! I have a HOT date tonight! Wahoo! Maybe that will be Mondays blog.... :) Have a good weekend everyone!
Posted by
3:22 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Things that are true that I'm not proud of!
Okay so I was having the darndest time trying to think of a fun or interesting new post! I've been really sucking at the blogging since I zinged everyone! Boy did I out do myself early! So I thought and thought all morning, and all I came up with, is a TRUTHFUL list of things I do that I'm so totally not proud of, but I figure our blogging circle is pretty tight so here I go spilling my guts!
1. When I find girls at the gym a little curvier than me, It makes me love my body a little bit more!
2. I secretly dance in my room and pretend Im beyonce! Like I practice poppin the bootay...still haven't mastered it!
3. I still dance with a studio and perform in hopes it will keep me from getting or feeling older!
4. I secretly giggle to myself when people trip
5. I could sit in front of the mirror and pick at "zits" on my face all day
6. Sometimes I stand in front of the mirror naked and look at the horror of the places where I should loose weight, and wish I had a six pack! And then I go back to #1 and realize it could be worse!
7. I am more likely to look at pretty girls than pretty guys...and no I'm not a lesbian!!
8. I rented "step up" ONLY so I could look at Chaning Tatum! MMmmm....See I you I'm not a lesbian!
9. I LOVE golden spoon because it's "healthy" and I dont feel as bad indulging in it! Its NOT better than ice cream that's for sure!
10. In one day I ate 5 1/2 pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (the big ones) and I didn't even feel bad about it!
So there you have it! I hope you all had a good laugh at my expense!! And please feel free to admitt you do the same things to, so i dont feel like a complete fool!
Posted by
9:23 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
New Recruit!
So my sister has joined the blog world! Yay!! Props to Marla on the recruit! My sister is lots of fun, so feel free to add her to your page!
Posted by
9:55 AM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I Love Male Cheerleaders!!
So I thought I would all let you know how sad I am that my two greatest friends are leaving St.George for good!! Seriously...I'm bummed! I know the whole "Male cheerleaders are homosexuals" stereotype, and let me tell's so NOT true! I cheered with them like 3 years ago, and they have still remained some of my best friends! They really are wonderful! So I thought I would just send a little shout out to Scott and Nigel(even thought they probably won't be reading this) I think every girl needs a male cheerleader friend, They ROCK! I will officially be a looser tomorrow seeing as I no longer have any friends outside this blog world...Yes I'm asking for some pitty! :)
Posted by
10:36 AM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Welcome Newbies!
Okay since we have a few newcomers to our blogging cult world, I thought I would welcome them with their very own Zing!! I know this doesn't really count as a "real post" since I just did this, but i thought it would buy me some time!! Welcome Marla and Kailee! And Rachel...come out and reveal yourself from the confines of blog stalking and become one of us!! YOUR NEXT!!! YOUR BABY TOO!!!
Make your own Zing!
Make your own Zing!
Posted by
9:08 AM
Friday, April 13, 2007
You all Got zinged!
Okay I was cracking myself up doing this this morning!! It took a lot of time and effort trying to find pictures that would work!! But soooo worth it! I even did one of Gabby as baby cruise! Hahaha!! Enjoy!
Make your own Zing!
Make your own Zing!
Make your own Zing!
Make your own Zing!
Make your own Zing!
Make your own Zing!
Make your own Zing!
Make your own Zing!
Make your own Zing!
Make your own Zing!
Posted by
9:00 AM
Monday, April 9, 2007
Getting to know you!
Okay so I came up with a BRILLIANT idea! No need for applause! But I found this "getting to know you quiz" so I thought it would be a good post, PLUS Everyone can refill it out, and post it too! So that way nobody can be slacking, thinking of something new to post! I ROCK! Yay for me! But y'all better repost it!
1. Can you cook? umm it depends on what it is! It is my goal to learn though!
2. Favorite color? Red/brown/orange
3. What talent do you wish you had? I wish I could sing or dance extremely good!
4. Favorite place?Anywhere by the beach! I love Newport beach!
5. Favorite Fruit? Pinneapple! Mmm....
6. What was the last book you read? I'm in the process of reading "the art of happiness" by the dali lama
7. What zodiac sign are you? Capricorn
8. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Piercing of the ears!
9. Worst Habit? Eating unhealthy food!
10. What's your philosophy on life? Just be happy!
11. Negative or Optimistic? optimistic
12. What was your dream growing up? To be a pediatrician! Look at me now folks!
13. Worst thing to ever happen to you? Hhmm...probably my sister passing away.
14. Your Best Friend? Heather Hill
15. Tell me one weird fact about you: I love to pop zits! Eww...Do you guys have one?
16. Most missed memory? High school...
17. Any pets? a boxer named Marley! she's so cute!
18. Favorite movie? So many! here are a few: how to lose a guy in 10 days, notebook,pretty woman, goonies, sandlot, crash...
19. What time is it where u are now? 10:08 am
20. Favorite food? Love Pizza/pasta/sushi!
21. Favorite band/artis at the moment? I have been diggin The Fray lately!
22. One thing your looking forward to in the future? Having a family!
23. If you could change one things about yourself it would be? What would I not change!? Jk...don't know...maybe a little taller, thinner, bigger boobs....Haha!
24. How do you fall asleep? Laying on my back or side!
25. Do u eat broccoli?? yep I love it!
26. TV show you have to watch? Nothing really...idol, the hills, I dont watch a ton of tv!
27. If you only had one day to live how would u spend it? With my family and close friends!
28. A million bucks.. what would you do with it? Invest it to make more money! Shopping spree!
29. What is your worst fear? Being in a car accident...I still dont know why! I'm sure that their is far worse things...
30. Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Go to the gym!
31.Favorite place to shop? I love Nordstrom and Anthropologie!
32. Can you sing or dance? maybe dance....not incredibly good, but good enough! I sometimes sing in the car!! Not pretty...Yikes!
33. Any hidden Talents? None! What you see is what you get!
34. In one word, how would you describe yourself? Fabulous!! haha!
35. Favorite Boy name: Matix...I totally know angelinas little boys name is matix, but I Loved it before she even had him okay!!!
36. Favorite Girl name: Evan...sounds boyish but I LOVE this also! None of you guys go stealin my names since you'll all be havin babies before me okay!
37. How many kids do you want? about 3-4 probably 4...If I can handle it!
38. Goal you have in the next few months? Get my store open!
39. Place you want to live in the future? I would love to live in Newport or san diego!
40. Something that drives you crazy? Rusing to get ready or go somewhere/also traffic!
Posted by
3:34 PM
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Reading is fun!

Okay so i pondered long and hard about what my new post should be! I couldn't think of anything interesting going on in my life really, so I decided to share with you all my absolute FAVORITE books from Don Miguel Ruiz!! I finished them just a few months ago, and they are honestly life changing! You might not be a fan, but I had to at least get the word out there! They are pretty much simple guidelines of living a happy life! It's honestly amazing, and has changed my view of life! "The Mastery Of Love" was my absolute favorite of the two! But read if you want, but here are some basic things it teaches from "The Four Agreements"
1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don't Take Anything Personally(My favorite)
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
Posted by
1:59 PM
Monday, April 2, 2007
Tag I'm it!
Alright yes I too have been tagged! I know you all have been DYING to find out some things you didn't know about me! I pondered a little bit about this, but still couldn't come up with anything that interesting! Sorry to dissapoint you all! But you asked for it camie! So here you go!
1. I am partially deaf in my left ear! so if you ever try whispering things in that ear...I probably can't understand you! I'm a tard...
2. I LOVE cuddling...Who doesn't?
3. I have the hardest time turning down any dessert! Even when it's not that good! It's my weakness!
4. I am in the process of opening up a boutique here in! totally pumped!
5. I love shopping online! Even when I dont buy anything! I like looking!
6. I love to eat out and try different restaurants! I belive I have tried every major one here in you need a review let me know!)
7. I just started using Myspace recently....Totally love it! I have found so many long lost friends! I really am a nerd! If you dont have an account, get one!
So i'm pretty sure everyone has been tagged at one point right? So I'm not even gonna carry this one on. Okay wait I think there are a few that haven't been tagged so I choose:
1. Nichole
2. Kasey
3. Tara
Get to it!
Posted by
10:16 AM
Friday, March 30, 2007
My new obsession!
I thought I would fill you all in on my new obsession!!!! THE GOLDEN SPOON! MMmmm.....So good! For all of you that live here in st.George, it just opened a little bit ago, and it's right by the stadium 8 in that new building! for all of you that got lucky enough to get out of (I really love it here I do!) I suggest you go hunt one down! It is frozen yogurt, that get this....Is actually healthy!!! Wowee! Who would have thought a healthy treat?! Seriously for a little 4 oz. cup wich is actually a good size, is only 68 calories!! I even heard a rumor it's even better for you than the forzen yogurt at Dixie nutrition! Can't beat that! They have all sorts of different flavors that they switch out everyday! It's a new experience everytime you go! So I totally suggest you all go find your local golden spoon this weekend and tell me what you think! You might be hooked though, so go with caution! My post of the day was actually inspired by my conversation I had with tara at the gym yesterday. Yeah...we probably looked like loosers talking about healthy frozen yogurt at the gym! Good thing we aren't fat cause that would have been even funnier! but I had to tell her about it! I've been raving about it to everyone I know! Enjoy!
Posted by
8:24 AM
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Watch out blog world!
Okay so I have no idea how I got sucked into this whole blogging thing! I guess it all started when Brianna told everyone to get a blog page to keep in touch with everyone! I kept putting it off, thinking Myspace would keep me up to date on everyones lives! Oh no...I found myself doing what brianna refers to as "Blog Stalking" I would honestly look at all your blogs every morning to see who post something new and interesting, wishing I could comment....So here I am! It's my big debut!!! So you all better just watch out cause I'm sure I'm gonna come up with some fun posts with my random thoughts!! Get excited Everyone here I come!!
Posted by
10:01 AM