Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Twilight Lovers...

So pretty much EVERYONE that has read twilight is going to maybe hate me!?? I got the book on saturday and am almost finished! But I've been reading it, and I can't say that I am absolutely in love with it! It is a good book, and it's held my attention very well, and yes it is one of those books you want to keep reading! But....maybe it's cause everyone has said how AMAZING this book is, that it's just well....not!? maybe I expected way to much cause I heard how great it was?? It's definetly one I would recommend but I'm not sure I'm pooping my pants over it? Yes I too have fallen in love with edward! I will give you that! I really don't think any man will ever compare to his beauty! Or at least the beauty I have in my head! Hhhhmmm.....Maybe I just should have stoped listening to everyones manic comments on the book and maybe i would be raving about it?? Maybe I was just so excited to read and expected WAY to much and had a bit of a let down? I know you all hate me now.....Bottom line is that it is a really good book, and I'm sure it will be even better once i finish it! Hey I even guarantee I'll go out and buy the sequel! But Maybe I just expected a little much of of it from all the raving reviews, and am finally reading it and expected more??? Either way I'm still glad I'm reading it! And I would definetly consider myself a Twilight/Edward Lover! But if you haven't read it yet maybe you should just dive into it not expecting much and you'll like it even better! My review.... I give it a thumbs up!


GS said...


Anonymous said...

what the??????????

ANyway, I actually totally agree with you there. I loved it but not LOVED it! I expected a little more myself. I fell for Edward and then had to keep reading. I hate to break this to you but I didn't even like the sequel til the last 200 pgs(They were the best part I think of the whole series this far) but i was pretty disapointed. She is a great author but she is extreemly long winded. She needs to get to the point a little quicker. SOmething about it all kinda bugs me but I can't put my finger on it...
Don't hate me Cam.

Brianna said...

Is someone talking?

Erin Tarwater said...

haha Brianna you are hilariuos. But, I'm with Lindsey on this one, Super long winded. and now that I'm on the second book and my immortal boyfriend is gone, I'm a little over it. It's turning a bit too Sci Fi for my taste. It's weird though, Jocelyn is right. Eventhough I'm not loving it anymore, I can't stop reading...

Cassidy Legg said...

this is the reason I am not going to read it. That and I am not a reader. But really it feels like every where I go there is someone talking about this dumb book.... :)

Cassidy Legg said...

and what the heck is the deal with bianconero???? stalker?????

Joanna Goulet said...

I told you it would be a let down because of all the hype...oh well.

Adam said...

It makes me feel better to know that someone else didn't love it. I read it, but had a hard time getting through it because it was so cheesy. I guess I don't completely understand all the hype. Oh well, to each her own.

Michelle said...

Well I am glad I didn't miss out on anything!

Rachel said...


Anonymous said...

Jocey! YOur blog sucks! New post woman!!!

Brianna said...

Your blogs sucks lately!

Brianna said...

AH HA!!! I just found out why your never update anymore!! You are living with some new friends...Latisha and Bevin!! See what a few hours on the internet can reveal??? Like you are having too much fun to blog anymore!! I am BORED and need to be entertained by someone...YOU!!