Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I'M IN LOVE! And I need help finding Mr. Beautiful! Okay so today I went to the chamber of commerce luncheon(business lunch) and in the back row I spotted Hottie Mchotterson!!! I could not stop staring!! We shared quite a few glances(probably cause he was wonder why in the hell I kept on looking at him!) He was there with some girl that could have been his girlfriend, but I don't think so? She didn't quite measure up to his beauty at all, if you know what I'm saying! I'm not sure of his age he could be as young as 20 and I don't even care cause he was that good looking! Anway he might have been a college kid just stopping by the luncheon, seeing as it was on college campus, and he wasn't dressed up all business like....but I need help finding him! I've posted a picture of the Lovely Wentworth Miller from Prison Break because that is sorta what he reminded me of, except he was dark skinned!! Even better!! So imagine a mexican mixed you understand my obsession! Here is his discription:

Height: 6'0

Build: Athletic

Hair: Dark brown and shaved(like the picture above)

Ethnicity: ?? But dark skinned and HOT!

Person to find him gets the award of being my maid of honor at our wedding!! :) So if any of you happen to see this guy around the town....give him my number! I know you would like to keep him for yourself but....your all married!! Neener neener!! he's mine! Thanks for your help! hahahahah I'm pathetic! :)


Rachel said...

Did you just say neener, neener? Seriously, that made me chuckle! Holy Moly though, did you just find your edward? He most def. sounds B-E-A-Utiful, anyone who looks similar to wentworth is a wonderful creation! Mwahaha! I will for sure be on the look out for you!

Rachel said...

ps. i LOOOOOOVE your new layout!

Erin Tarwater said...

hahhahHAHAHA seriously you are hilarious! And really, Neener neener???

Brianna said...

Okay, I thought my family were the only people that said neener neener!! You are so funny Jo, I love you!

Brianna said...

BTW I am totally expecting a detailed desciption on how to get a cute layout like yours!

Higbee said...

Oh my gosh Jocelyn, this is the funniest blog I've ever seen! hahaha I'll keep my eyes open for ya!

Marla said...

You are dang hilarious but I am afraid that if I found Wentworth Miller I would get divorced or maybe just repent for a piece of him, But since it's just a look a like I will watch for him. I need to know where your blog background came from as well. So cute!

Anonymous said...

Am I gonna be the only one to say, sorry sista! Your fault completely!! You're on your own!

YOU ARE LAME!!!! Why the f did you not introduce yourself??!! Or simply make a tiny sly remark to see if that could be an "opener"!?

You lost out on the love of your life cuz you didn't wanna be the one to approach him!!!!

You just lost the lotto my friend.

He was totally exchanging glances big time and you W-U-S-S-E-D out! Not cool Jocey.

Sorry, I ain't helpin ya find him. Next meeting, open your mouth.
Ah, that felt good

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to sound harsh. You are just such a stinkin dork butt for letting him slip away.

Anonymous said...

Freakin cute layout. Where did you upload that from??

Anonymous said...

(3 comments....That's a triple threat my friend)

Jocelyn said...

Hey Missy who you callin a
W-U-S-S? he was with a aweful would that have been if I talked to him in front of his possible girlfriend? I'd be a
J-E-R-K!! I Will find him lindsey...with or without you!!!

Anonymous said...

haha. Oh Queens and Jacks is in my opinion just what SG needed....Yours will totally rival it and put em out of bIZ NASS!!!

Jocelyn said...

Totally agreed with you linds! I actually like the clothes they have! But yes we will for sure have competition!! Friendly competition that is! I really like the owner!

Anonymous said...

Jocey, I have to confess something I've been hiding.....I bought 2 shirts and a Pair of W.R. jeans from that new store. I just couldnt help it! Hurry up would ya?! I'd much rather support you than those (ugly) girls. That was mean. I am mostly kidding about the ugly part.

I hope we can still be friends. :)

Jocelyn said...

Hahaha Linds I totally do not care! I would have bought some stuff too If I wasn't opening up this store!! I loved their WR jeans! Support them all you want(until my store opens of course :) They will need it too I'm sure!! Your funny....

Joanna Goulet said...

Me Likey!!