Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Welcome Newbies!

Okay since we have a few newcomers to our blogging cult world, I thought I would welcome them with their very own Zing!! I know this doesn't really count as a "real post" since I just did this, but i thought it would buy me some time!! Welcome Marla and Kailee! And Rachel...come out and reveal yourself from the confines of blog stalking and become one of us!! YOUR NEXT!!! YOUR BABY TOO!!!

Make your own Zing!

Make your own Zing!


Jocelyn said...

Okay so I'm leaving my first comment! This message is for lindsay...I tried to get onto your blog...turns out I'm not authorized to read it anymore!! And I thought we were friends...It hurts deep, real deep linds.

Emily Blais said...

yeah, lindsey is blocking us all out...maybe we should all block her out! Cool linds! jocelyn, I am mad at you though because you gave kailee a better bod than me! hahahaha! These are so dang funny. I saw yours on your myspace the other night...yes, I was on myspace. I had to check out my cousins new man! yay for your new post though, even though it is kinda the same and should not really count for a new one.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhaha! I love it joc. But you're so right. It doesnt cut it!!

Camie said...

come on jo, give us something...you are way better then this!!!

Cassidy Legg said...

hey new post police. Pretty sure you are in violation!

Brittany Adamson said...

K you are hilarious... thought I would say hi girl... since I have been way too sick to get my ass to the gym!!! Have a good one:)