Friday, April 27, 2007

Attention Bloggers!

So I noticed last week, that brianna, lindsey,kailee, and maybe emily all had a little blog party on friday night! I'm just letting you all know that if your reading this on Friday night, you need to GET A LIFE! Hahaha! I'm totally kidding...I dont have one either! Oh wait...Yes I do! I have a HOT date tonight! Wahoo! Maybe that will be Mondays blog.... :) Have a good weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

I officially still suck (just like I did last weekend). I actually have a hot date with my hubby after Gabby goes to bed tonight.... THe MIL is coming to hang out while she is asleep so we can go to golden spoon and jacuzzi. Go us!

Emily Blais said...

YAY linds, I just got back from a hot date too...well, kinda. Baseball game and pizza! okay, it was not so hot, but its good to have casey back anyway!


who is the hot date?

Anonymous said...

So....How'd it go? Who was this dude?

Emily Blais said...

yeah Jocelyn, I wanna hear about it!

Anonymous said...

yay for me to i was not on here on Friday either. i was at a "hot" baseball game where some HOT kid named joe was playing.

jojo i want to hear about the hot date!!

Cassidy Legg said...

Hot Date? I am confused cause you never told me about a hot date.... but I know I will get full details on Wednesday... :)

Jocelyn said...

Wouldn't you all like to know...I knew you'd all eat that up! :)


What the heck, just tell us the name you lamo!!!! Just kidding I love you but spill the beans for a second will you please!

Jocelyn said...

If I must...His name is rodney! He's lots of fun, I enjoy him! :)

Brianna said...

Jocelyn, I really enjoy him too.