Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Apple Bottom

Definition of an Apple Bottom According to Urban Dictionary:
An ass that has nice, round, plump cheeks. When apple bottom girls wear tight jeans, their butt cheeks bunch up in the bottom of their pants in a way that resembles the bottom of an apple. Used in a sentence: "She got dat apple bottom Yo!" or "Her apple bottom is like wo!"

Yup. It's official. I have an Apple Bottom AKA GHETTO BOOTY; ONION BOOTY; or my favorite BADUNKADUNK!

Some of you may think I'm bragging. I'M NOT!

My booty no longer fits into my "Fat" pants(you know you all have them) The ones you would put on only when your at your heaviest! Usually used AFTER Thanksgiving and Christmas and still they are pretty roomy??!! Yeah......THOSE pants I can't even squeeze over my ass!! I'm mystified!! I don't even know how this happened!! I'm seriously in turmoil about my current weight gain. I'm not quite sure what my plan of action is to tackle my problem, but I will tell you I REFUSE to buy new pants!! One because I can't afford them and Two because that would mean I'm okay with the situation at hand and I'm NOT OKAY!

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying I'm Fat. I would seriously just appreciate fitting into my jeans I wore just one month ago!! Yes. ONE month ago!!! WTF?? My
thighs and butt have grown to such lengths that I'm down to wearing leggings any chance I get(not that I mind) but with winter around the corner I can't just wear leggings all the time! Or can I?? I guess i can shiver off the fat? Isn't that Lindsay Lohans weight Loss secret?

I suppose if all else fails I'll be the only Non African American woman sporting these:

From what I hear apple bottom jeans are GREAT for women who pack extra from behind!

Operation ASS-B-GONE is underway!!!


Heather Stott said...

oh I know what you are talking about! unfortunately!
:( MY large rump gives me problems when it likes to grow in size too! And let me tell you what, when you get pregnant its going to be even larger! haha! good luck! I can't wait until I can start loosing wait after the baby is born!

Joanna Goulet said...

I hear ya sista...I'm on a strict diet and excersise program..I'm determined to fit into my pants by December. Actually I have no choice because I'm not going to buy new pants and winter is soon aproaching....it sucks! don't have kids! just kidding it's actually not that bad.


You are hilarious! I feel ya, that is where I totally gain all my weight! When I got prego I thought the baby was coming out my butt! So good luck I won't buy new jeans either, I am stubborn!!! Good luck, I am sure you look great though! I freaking love leggings, so comfy!!!

~..kass..~ said...

share the wealth sista! I was born with no ass not even with pregnancy ....

Rachel said...

I am laughing my a$* off right now! Well if it makes you feel better I have a jello butt. You can at least say you have some shape to compare your butt to...mine would be comparable to tidle waves

bethi said...

you are such a nerd!! seriously! you've got the perfect bod!...but i guess that's part of being a girl right...our bodies are never what we want them to be! :)