So pretty much EVERYONE that has read twilight is going to maybe hate me!?? I got the book on saturday and am almost finished! But I've been reading it, and I can't say that I am absolutely in love with it! It is a good book, and it's held my attention very well, and yes it is one of those books you want to keep reading! But....maybe it's cause everyone has said how AMAZING this book is, that it's just well....not!? maybe I expected way to much cause I heard how great it was?? It's definetly one I would recommend but I'm not sure I'm pooping my pants over it? Yes I too have fallen in love with edward! I will give you that! I really don't think any man will ever compare to his beauty! Or at least the beauty I have in my head! Hhhhmmm.....Maybe I just should have stoped listening to everyones manic comments on the book and maybe i would be raving about it?? Maybe I was just so excited to read and expected WAY to much and had a bit of a let down? I know you all hate me now.....Bottom line is that it is a really good book, and I'm sure it will be even better once i finish it! Hey I even guarantee I'll go out and buy the sequel! But Maybe I just expected a little much of of it from all the raving reviews, and am finally reading it and expected more??? Either way I'm still glad I'm reading it! And I would definetly consider myself a Twilight/Edward Lover! But if you haven't read it yet maybe you should just dive into it not expecting much and you'll like it even better! My review.... I give it a thumbs up!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
So I guess I'm blogging about something that NONE of you guys can relate to anymore! Which makes it sorta fun! I don't know exactly where this post is going, but I just had some random thoughts on being single! I swear for so long I've had a boyfriend! Like 4 years to be exact! Yup that's me, One boyfriend to the next! I think this has been the longest streak I've had being single, 7 months and counting! Yes you can applaud please! It's actually been so fun!!! I enjoy "ME" time So much that I don't know if I will ever want to get married! Okay not really.... but I think I've realized how cool it is to REALLY get to know yourself, and how much these 7 months have been such a growing period in my life! I've obviously have had to make some new "single" friends, which I am so excited about! We have girls night every Thursday, and it's so nice to have just girls that you can sit and talk with about your latest date, hookup, breakup, etc! Yeah I know it sounds like high school! But I don't think that those sort of friendships should ever stop once your in a relationship or married right?? I think it's a saving grace to have good girlfriends around to keep you sane! But I also think this is something that a lot of people automatically cut out of their lives once they find themselves in a relationship! Yes....I too was guilty! Why is it that as soon as someone gets married, we automatically think they don't need friends or are cut of of the social scene? Or why after people get married do they ONLY hang out with couples and not have friends of their own? Oh and why is it that the guys will always still make time for their single and married guy friends once they are married, but the girls do not?? Maybe ALL of you married people can shed some light on this theory! Yes I'm rambling! HHhhmm.....I also think I might enjoy being single so much, that I have realized I've developed what I would like to call "Commitment Phobia" So yes once again I had been dating this guy on and off for about 6 months, and most people would think after 6 months he would probably be my "boyfriend" but no....not me! As soon as that conversation came around I ran!! As perfect as he was....Who does that? And of course he wouldn't want to stick around, cause really, how long can you "Just be dating"? Makes sense really! But what's wrong with me? It's not the fact that I wanted to date other guys, cause I really didn't care! Nor was it the fact that he just wasn't good enough....cause really he's a catch and I liked him a lot!! This just might be one of those things that you kick yourself in the shin for, after you realized what you just did!! I guess It was just the fact of saying "I have a boyfriend" that creeped me out! Why is this? Is this just a phase? HELP! What if I stay like this forever and keep turning down guy after guy as soon as it gets serious!? I might have to buy a bunch of cats, learn how to knit, and wear moomoos all day long! Nobody wants to be the cat lady!!! and nobody wants to date her either! Oh....and why am I the only single person? I like to say it's cause I'm smart...haha! But really? Why didn't I run to get hitched? And all my friends are married!! Not that I'm wishing I had, cause I love my life, but just a thought! Random post I know, but I just had some weird thoughts today!
Posted by
11:44 AM
Friday, July 6, 2007
Well Thank goodness for getting tagged cause I was fresh out of posts!! But here goes!
Jobs I have had:
-Van Heusen
-Universal Cheerleaders association(instructor)
-Cheer Utah(Owner/coach)
-Stephen Wade Auto Center(receptionist/Titles)
-Flagship Financial(Currently-Mortgages)
Places I have lived:
-Chandler, AZ
-St.George, UT
-I need to get out it seems!
Places I have vacationed:
-Las Vegas
Places I would love to Visit:
-All of Europe
-New York
Things I enjoy:
-Eating tasty food
-Girls nights
-Reading gossip magazines
-Working out
-The Beach
Everyday things I love:
-Bed time
-Getting off work
-My bed
-The gym
So I'm pretty sure everyone has been tagged I feel? But I will tag....My sister!!!
Posted by
9:37 AM