Monday, December 10, 2007


Strangely enough, there were many things that have been FOUND this week!

FOUND: MY PERIOD! I know you were all wondering, but yes my period is back!! Yay!! Hopefully it's here to stay!

FOUND: TAMPON. So... funny story....totally got a tampon stuck in my vagina. Yeah I'm totally posting this and mind you this blog is NOT private. I spent my Saturday night at instacare to have a doctor dig out a lost tampon....AWESOME! But not so uncommon! Who gets tampons stuck in there? I do!

FOUND: MR. MCDREAMY. Alright remember my post forever ago about the hot dark skin Wentworth? Found him. Apparently he's my friends, friend. They once dated. He was lame. I'm over him. But damn he was hot!