Friday, January 1, 2010

A decade.

For real? 10 years?

10 Years ago I was on the verge of turning
16. Fresh into high school and not knowing who the hell I was supposed to be.

10 years later. I'm on the verge of
26(OH My)and still not exactly sure.
but pretty damn close.

In the past DECADE
I managed to get through middle school.
Had high school crushes.
Graduated High school.
Dabbled in college.
Went through many a heartbreak.or hell.
whatever you wanna call it.
Worked in retail.
Got a job in finance.
Gained a niece and 2 nephews.
Made new friends.
Lost some old ones.
Grew my relationship with myself.
made good memories.
Thought I knew what I wanted.
realized I didn't.
Experienced things I swore I wouldn't.
Lost myself.
Found myself.
Found prince charming (no seriously he looks just like him-with long hair)
And realized time goes by to fast.

Yup. All in 10 years.

In another decade I'll be ALMOST 36(WHAT?) and I honestly can't wait to see whats in store!

Every. year. Just. keeps. getting. better.